Period is NOT a 4-Letter Word

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of being silenced as a woman. 

According to a new bill trying to be passed in Florida, sexual education would be banned in elementary schools, including teaching about menstrual cycles for girls. 

Taking it a step further, the bill would prohibit girls from talking about their periods in school at all

Why would anyone want to make a girl's changing body a taboo subject?

I vividly remember when my daughter got her period. She actually handled it beautifully (much better than I did at her age). You see, because it was a discussion point, an open conversation not only with me, her mom, but her school and her friends, there wasn't any fear or shame attached to her body changing.

The more information we provide to our children, the more equipped they are to handle change. I believe, banning conversations in schools about periods will lead to heightened anxiety, insecurity and shame. Knowledge is power. 

From a young age, we are taught to be nice, be respectful, and follow the rules, all of which translates to 'watch what you say.'

Then we become adults, navigating the business world, and we have to relearn how to advocate for ourselves and speak our unedited minds.

The problem with this goes way beyond this one moment, this one 'law.' This is another way to silence and control female voices. 

It's 2023 and with every bill, like this, even put forth to be passed in the US, we are setting women's rights back tremendously. Where does it stop? 

I'm tired of men making decisions that impact women, their voices, their minds and their bodies.

This is why we are so passionate about our mission, to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation. With money comes power, with power comes change.  Are you in?


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