Conversation Resolution

In this episode, we explore the concept of conversation resolution, which combines the art of conflict resolution with difficult conversations. We explore why it’s important to shift mindset and energy when approaching conversations, as well as understanding subconscious beliefs.

We’ll also highlight the significance of setting intentions and focusing on resolution rather than being right and the importance of fostering collaborative environments and building trust to create good relationships at work.


  • Shifting mindset and energy is crucial when approaching difficult conversations.

  • Understanding subconscious beliefs and thoughts can impact how we show up in conversations.

  • Neutralizing language and avoiding blame can de-escalate conflicts and foster collaboration.

  • Setting intentions and focusing on resolution rather than being right can lead to more productive conversations.

  • Building trust and creating a positive culture are essential for effective communication and relationships at work.

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Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings-attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi

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Critical Thinking