Collective Intelligence

This episode explores the concept of collective intelligence and leadership. We delve into how leaders can leverage the collective knowledge and creativity of their teams to solve complex problems, foster innovation, and make more informed decisions. 

We discuss the origins of psychological safety and the importance of creating a culture that encourages diverse perspectives. We also provide practical tips for facilitating collective intelligence meetings and setting clear objectives and actionable outcomes. Finally, we highlight the application of collective intelligence in various settings and invite listeners to reach out for further support and training. 

In this conversation, Jackie and Mimi discuss various topics related to personal and executive leadership development. They touch on the importance of one-on-one coaching, re-establishing goals, taking small steps, and the power of the mind. They also conclude with closing remarks and a toast to personal magnificence.


  • Collective intelligence harnesses the power of diverse perspectives and fosters innovation.

  • Psychological safety is crucial for creating an environment that encourages collective intelligence.

  • Effective communication, clear objectives, and actionable outcomes are essential for successful collective intelligence meetings.

  • Collective intelligence can be applied in various settings, including the workplace, personal relationships, and family dynamics. Consider seeking one-on-one coaching to enhance your executive leadership skills.

  • If you've given up on your goals, take a moment to re-establish your why and consider what else resonates with you.

  • Taking small steps consistently can lead to achieving anything.

  • The power of the mind and the ability to enter a meditative state can be transformative.

  • Toast to your magnificence and celebrate your personal growth.

Mentioned in this Episode:

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Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings-attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi

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