Does scrolling through your Instagram feed make you feel bad about your good life?

Save your spot for our FREE master class The Cure for Comparisonitis.

In this Master Class, you’ll learn…

✅ Why comparison isn’t your fault

✅ How to stop chasing everyone else’s happiness and find your own

✅ The truth about the Silver Bullet Myth

It’s happening Thursday, April 6th at 1 pm EST.

Are you tired of the jealousy, guilt, and shame you
feel when you compare yourself to others?

In less than 1 hour you’ll learn to:

➡️ Quickly quiet the negative chatter putting you in a spin

➡️ M️ake comparisons work for you not against you

➡️ Stop chasing everyone else’s happiness and find your own

Thursday, April 6th at 1 PM EST

A recording will be available but you need to register!)

Meet Your Coaches Jackie Ghedine and Mimi Bishop

Jackie and Mimi are co-founders of Modern Gen X Woman, a company built by Gen X women, for Gen X women.
Modern Gen X Woman advances women by teaching them to own their worth, express their influence, and articulate their value leading to professional and personal success and wealth.

As former New York City media executives and today, certified coaches, we know what it’s like to achieve big success. But at times, we too wrestle with standing up for our worth and having conviction in our value. We’ve also seen how this impacts other parts of our lives too.

Our own experiences and the hundreds of women we’ve coached shined a light on a very common theme —those who lack wealth—including wealth in happiness and success—lack the conviction of worth.

You may have even heard us talk about this on The Today Show, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, or on our podcast, Modern Gen X Woman.

Our mission is to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation. That begins with you.