Calling BS on Sacrificing for Success

I sat in the huddle room with my boss of 11 years and shared with her how I was resigning. Shocked and bewildered she asked me, 'So, who poached you?" I proceeded to share with her how I wasn't leaving to go anywhere else, I was leaving because I couldn't operate at this capacity any longer and I needed to step off from the corporate chaos and demands.

I stepped away from;

  • a multi-six-figure salary

  • a brand and industry I enjoyed

  • a team who made me happy to go to work

  • a title most people never see in their careers

But even with all I was giving up, I was tired, tired of feeling as though I was sacrificing so much of my life to hold onto all of this. 

The sacrifice was real;

I gave up a ridiculous amount of time between my daily commute and long work days.

I gave up sanity because the responsibility of keeping a dying industry afloat kept me up all night long and constantly trying to problem solve (for something with no real solution).

I gave up family bonding having to pack up and hop on a plane way too often.

I gave up friendships, who has any energy left to see people? 

WHAT WASN’T REAL...the WHY I was sacrificing so much of myself for work. 

The why didn't come from my boss, the organization, the structure. Yes, sometimes it did, but mostly, the why came from the expectations, demands, and optics I put on myself. How I needed to show up, what I thought was important, and how I wanted to be perceived.

It was all BS. Stories I told myself for YEARS.

Generation X women have been brainwashed into believing success means sacrifice. Now, I'm not saying it's always easy and you are never making choices. However, we don't need to push our chips all the way in every single round.

Our mission is to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation and we can't do that if we are walking away from corporate, burning ourselves out, and holding ourselves back for fear of handling the next. 

This is why our organization, Modern Gen X Woman, exists. This is my passion, this is our passion. To work with women, like you, to go after and achieve the success you want without having to sacrifice your whole self. 

Don't know if it's even possible? It is and I can prove it. Reply to this email and schedule your free, no-obligation 30-minute call with me and let's talk. 

While I don't regret leaving (I wouldn't have eventually launched a business), I do ponder how it would have been different if I would have known then what I know now. 


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